1·You must know how to select typefaces, point sizes, how to adjusts Spaces between groups of letters and between pairs of letters.
2·They understand pixels and percentages of a base size, but typewriter point sizes are interpreted differently on different browsers.
3·When digital fonts feature a "display" variation, it is to accommodate stylistic differences that may benefit type used at larger point sizes.
4·Especially at smaller point sizes, rounded edges and diagonals look ragged, Spaces within and between letters close up, and fine lines disappear.
5·A good starting point is to select the default (4 KB), especially if row sizes are fairly small or when access to the data is primarily random.
一开始的时候,可以选择默认选项(4 KB),如果行的长度很小,或者对数据的访问基本上是随机的,则更应该选择这一选项。
6·But that's the point of having larger, but not unwieldy, team sizes.
7·The point is that behavioral genetics studies were dealing with a problem of reproducibility and small effect sizes.
8·These include compile flags dealing with relocation, table of contents sizes, floating point options, bit alignment, and so on.
这些标记包括处理重定位、目录(table of contents)大小、浮点选项、位调整等等的编译标记。
9·But it will likely be a while before herd sizes increase from their lowest point since the 1950s.
10·The fundamental types are characters, and integers and floating point Numbers of several sizes.